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MSN Messenger Simple Away Message

Browsing MainForm.frm (5.59 KB)

Begin VB.Form MainForm 
   BorderStyle     =   1  'Fixed Single
   Caption         =   "MSN Messenger Simple Away Message"
   ClientHeight    =   4935
   ClientLeft      =   45
   ClientTop       =   435
   ClientWidth     =   5790
   BeginProperty Font 
      Name            =   "Tahoma"
      Size            =   8.25
      Charset         =   0
      Weight          =   400
      Underline       =   0   'False
      Italic          =   0   'False
      Strikethrough   =   0   'False
   Icon            =   "MainForm.frx":0000
   MaxButton       =   0   'False
   ScaleHeight     =   4935
   ScaleWidth      =   5790
   StartUpPosition =   2  'CenterScreen
   Begin VB.Frame Frame3 
      Caption         =   "About"
      Height          =   975
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   7
      Top             =   3240
      Width           =   5535
      Begin VB.Image ImgAbout 
         Height          =   480
         Left            =   240
         Picture         =   "MainForm.frx":0BC2
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   480
      Begin VB.Label lblAbout2 
         Caption         =   "Copyright � 1999 - 2003 Jason's PC Software"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   840
         TabIndex        =   9
         Top             =   600
         Width           =   4335
      Begin VB.Label lblAbout1 
         Caption         =   "Programmed by Jason Java ("
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   840
         TabIndex        =   8
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   4575
   Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
      Caption         =   "Close"
      Default         =   -1  'True
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   4200
      TabIndex        =   3
      Top             =   4440
      Width           =   1455
   Begin VB.Frame Frame2 
      Caption         =   "&Away Message"
      Height          =   2175
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   5535
      Begin VB.CommandButton Command2 
         Caption         =   "&Default"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   4440
         TabIndex        =   2
         Top             =   1800
         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.TextBox txtMsg 
         Height          =   1365
         Left            =   240
         MaxLength       =   800
         MultiLine       =   -1  'True
         ScrollBars      =   2  'Vertical
         TabIndex        =   1
         Text            =   "MainForm.frx":1784
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   5055
      Begin VB.Label lblNote 
         Caption         =   "Note: Command line variables can be used (e.g. %1)"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   1800
         Width           =   3975
   Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
      Caption         =   "Statistics"
      Height          =   735
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   4
      Top             =   2400
      Width           =   5535
      Begin VB.Label lblCount 
         Caption         =   "0 Away messages sent."
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   6
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   5055
Attribute VB_Name = "MainForm"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False

Public WithEvents msn As MsgrObject
Attribute msn.VB_VarHelpID = -1

Dim lAwayCount As Long

Private Const RegAppRoot = "Software\MSN Simple Away Msg\"

Private Function ParseMsg(ByVal strMsg As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strArray() As String
    strArray = Split(Command, " ")
    ParseMsg = strMsg
    For i = UBound(strArray) To 0 Step -1
        ParseMsg = Replace(ParseMsg, "%" & (i + 1), strArray(i))
    Next i
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If MsgBox("Do you want to set the away message to the default away message?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
        txtMsg.Text = "I am currently away from my computer right now.  Please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible."
        txtMsg.SelStart = 0
        txtMsg.SelLength = Len(txtMsg.Text)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim sRegData As String
    Set msn = New MsgrObject
    lAwayCount = 0
    sRegData = GetRegString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "AwayMsg")
    If sRegData <> "" Then txtMsg.Text = sRegData
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
    SaveRegString HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "AwayMsg", txtMsg.Text
    Set msn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub msn_OnTextReceived(ByVal pIMSession As Messenger.IMsgrIMSession, ByVal pSourceUser As Messenger.IMsgrUser, ByVal bstrMsgHeader As String, ByVal bstrMsgText As String, pfEnableDefault As Boolean)
    If bstrMsgText = "" Then Exit Sub
    lAwayCount = lAwayCount + 1
    lblCount.Caption = lAwayCount & " Away messages sent."
    pSourceUser.SendText Replace(bstrMsgHeader, pSourceUser.EmailAddress, msn.LocalFriendlyName), ParseMsg(txtMsg.Text), MMSGTYPE_NO_RESULT
End Sub

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