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Browsing vfw/AVIWriter.cs (5.59 KB)

namespace Tiger.Video.VFW
	using System;
	using System.Drawing;
	using System.Drawing.Imaging;
	using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

	/// <summary>
	/// Writing AVI files using Video for Windows
	/// Note: I am stucked with non even frame width. AVIs with non even
	/// width are playing well in WMP, but not in BSPlayer (it's for "DIB " codec).
	/// Some other codecs does not work with non even width or height at all.
	/// </summary>
	public class AVIWriter : IDisposable
		private IntPtr	file;
		private IntPtr	stream;
		private IntPtr	streamCompressed;
		private IntPtr	buf = IntPtr.Zero;

		private int		width;
		private int		height;
		private int		stride;
		private string	codec = "DIB ";
		private int		quality = -1;
		private int		rate = 25;
		private int		position;

		// CurrentPosition property
		public int CurrentPosition
			get { return position; }
		// Width property
		public int Width
				return (buf != IntPtr.Zero) ? width : 0;
		// Height property
		public int Height
				return (buf != IntPtr.Zero) ? height : 0;
		// Codec property
		public string Codec
			get { return codec; }
			set { codec = value; }
		// Quality property
		public int Quality
			get { return quality; }
			set { quality = value; }
		// FrameRate property
		public int FrameRate
			get { return rate; }
			set { rate = value; }

		// Constructor
		public AVIWriter()
		public AVIWriter(string codec) : this()
			this.codec = codec;

		// Desctructor

		// Free all unmanaged resources
		public void Dispose()
			// Remove me from the Finalization queue 

		protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
			if (disposing)
				// Dispose managed resources
				// there is nothing managed yet


		// Create new AVI file
		public void Open(string fname, int width, int height)
			// close previous file

			// calculate stride
			stride = width * 3;
			int r = stride % 4;
			if (r != 0)
				stride += (4 - r);

			// create new file
			if (Win32.AVIFileOpen(out file, fname, Win32.OpenFileMode.Create | Win32.OpenFileMode.Write, IntPtr.Zero) != 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("Failed opening file");

			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;

			// describe new stream
			Win32.AVISTREAMINFO info = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFO();

			info.fccType	= Win32.mmioFOURCC("vids");
			info.fccHandler	= Win32.mmioFOURCC(codec);
			info.dwScale	= 1;
			info.dwRate		= rate;
			info.dwSuggestedBufferSize = stride * height;

			// create stream
			if (Win32.AVIFileCreateStream(file, out stream, ref info) != 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating stream");

			// describe compression options

			opts.fccHandler	= Win32.mmioFOURCC(codec);
			opts.dwQuality	= quality;

			// Win32.AVISaveOptions(stream, ref opts, IntPtr.Zero);
			// create compressed stream
			if (Win32.AVIMakeCompressedStream(out streamCompressed, stream, ref opts, IntPtr.Zero) != 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating compressed stream");

			// describe frame format

			bih.biSize		= Marshal.SizeOf(bih.GetType());
			bih.biWidth		= width;
			bih.biHeight	= height;
			bih.biPlanes	= 1;
			bih.biBitCount	= 24;
			bih.biSizeImage	= 0;
			bih.biCompression = 0; // BI_RGB

			// set frame format
			if (Win32.AVIStreamSetFormat(streamCompressed, 0, ref bih, Marshal.SizeOf(bih.GetType())) != 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating compressed stream");

			// alloc unmanaged memory for frame
			buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(stride * height);

			position = 0;

		// Close file
		public void Close()
			// free unmanaged memory
			if (buf != IntPtr.Zero)
				buf = IntPtr.Zero;
			// release compressed stream
			if (streamCompressed != IntPtr.Zero)
				streamCompressed = IntPtr.Zero;
			// release stream
			if (stream != IntPtr.Zero)
				stream = IntPtr.Zero;
			// release file
			if (file != IntPtr.Zero)
				file = IntPtr.Zero;

		// Add new frame to the AVI file
		public void AddFrame(System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp)
			// check image dimension
			if ((bmp.Width != width) || (bmp.Height != height))
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid image dimension");

			// lock bitmap data
			BitmapData	bmData = bmp.LockBits(
				new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
				ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

			// copy image data
			int srcStride = bmData.Stride;
			int dstStride = stride;

			int src = bmData.Scan0.ToInt32() + srcStride * (height - 1);
			int dst = buf.ToInt32();

			for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
				Win32.memcpy(dst, src, dstStride);
				dst += dstStride;
				src -= srcStride;

			// unlock bitmap data

			// write to stream
			if (Win32.AVIStreamWrite(streamCompressed, position, 1, buf,
				stride * height, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero) != 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("Failed adding frame");


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