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Browsing javaCamViewer/VideoSource/MJPEGStream.cs (9.12 KB)

// Motion Detector
// Copyright � Andrew Kirillov, 2005
namespace VideoSource
	using System;
	using System.Drawing;
	using System.IO;
	using System.Text;
	using System.Threading;
	using System.Net;

	/// <summary>
	/// MJPEGSource - MJPEG stream support
	/// </summary>
	public class MJPEGStream : IVideoSource
		private string	source;
		private string	login = null;
		private string	password = null;
		private object	userData = null;
		private int		framesReceived;
		private int		bytesReceived;
		private bool	useSeparateConnectionGroup = true;

		private const int	bufSize = 512 * 1024;	// buffer size
		private const int	readSize = 1024;		// portion size to read

		private Thread	thread = null;
		private ManualResetEvent stopEvent = null;
		private ManualResetEvent reloadEvent = null;

		// new frame event
		public event CameraEventHandler NewFrame;

		// SeparateConnectioGroup property
		// indicates to open WebRequest in separate connection group
		public bool	SeparateConnectionGroup
			get { return useSeparateConnectionGroup; }
			set { useSeparateConnectionGroup = value; }
		// VideoSource property
		public string VideoSource
			get { return source; }
				source = value;
				// signal to reload
				if (thread != null)
		// Login property
		public string Login
			get { return login; }
			set { login = value; }
		// Password property
		public string Password
			get { return password; }
			set { password = value; }
		// FramesReceived property
		public int FramesReceived
				int frames = framesReceived;
				framesReceived = 0;
				return frames;
		// BytesReceived property
		public int BytesReceived
				int bytes = bytesReceived;
				bytesReceived = 0;
				return bytes;
		// UserData property
		public object UserData
			get { return userData; }
			set { userData = value; }
		// Get state of the video source thread
		public bool Running
				if (thread != null)
					if (thread.Join(0) == false)
						return true;

					// the thread is not running, so free resources
				return false;

		// Constructor
		public MJPEGStream()

		// Start work
		public void Start()
			if (thread == null)
				framesReceived = 0;
				bytesReceived = 0;

				// create events
				stopEvent	= new ManualResetEvent(false);
				reloadEvent	= new ManualResetEvent(false);
				// create and start new thread
				thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WorkerThread));
				thread.Name = source;

		// Signal thread to stop work
		public void SignalToStop()
			// stop thread
			if (thread != null)
				// signal to stop

		// Wait for thread stop
		public void WaitForStop()
			if (thread != null)
				// wait for thread stop


		// Abort thread
		public void Stop()
			if (this.Running)

		// Free resources
		private void Free()
			thread = null;

			// release events
			stopEvent = null;
			reloadEvent = null;

		// Thread entry point
		public void WorkerThread()
			byte[]	buffer = new byte[bufSize];	// buffer to read stream

			while (true)
				// reset reload event

				HttpWebRequest	req = null;
				WebResponse		resp = null;
				Stream			stream = null;
				byte[]			delimiter = null;
				byte[]			delimiter2 = null;
				byte[]			boundary = null;
				int				boundaryLen, delimiterLen = 0, delimiter2Len = 0;
				int				read, todo = 0, total = 0, pos = 0, align = 1;
				int				start = 0, stop = 0;

				// align
				//  1 = searching for image start
				//  2 = searching for image end
					// create request
					req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(source);
					// set login and password
					if ((login != null) && (password != null) && (login != ""))
						req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(login, password);
					// set connection group name
					if (useSeparateConnectionGroup)
						req.ConnectionGroupName = GetHashCode().ToString();
					// get response
					resp = req.GetResponse();

					// check content type
					string ct = resp.ContentType;
					if (ct.IndexOf("multipart/x-mixed-replace") == -1)
						throw new ApplicationException("Invalid URL");

					// get boundary
					ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
					boundary = encoding.GetBytes(ct.Substring(ct.IndexOf("boundary=", 0) + 9));
					boundaryLen = boundary.Length;

					// get response stream
					stream = resp.GetResponseStream();

					// loop
					while ((!stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true)) && (!reloadEvent.WaitOne(0, true)))
						// check total read
						if (total > bufSize - readSize)
							total = pos = todo = 0;

						// read next portion from stream
						if ((read = stream.Read(buffer, total, readSize)) == 0)
							throw new ApplicationException();

						total += read;
						todo += read;

						// increment received bytes counter
						bytesReceived += read;
						// does we know the delimiter ?
						if (delimiter == null)
							// find boundary
							pos = ByteArrayUtils.Find(buffer, boundary, pos, todo);

							if (pos == -1)
								// was not found
								todo = boundaryLen - 1;
								pos = total - todo;

							todo = total - pos;

							if (todo < 2)

							// check new line delimiter type
							if (buffer[pos + boundaryLen] == 10)
								delimiterLen = 2;
								delimiter = new byte[2] {10, 10};
								delimiter2Len = 1;
								delimiter2 = new byte[1] {10};
								delimiterLen = 4;
								delimiter = new byte[4] {13, 10, 13, 10};
								delimiter2Len = 2;
								delimiter2 = new byte[2] {13, 10};

							pos += boundaryLen + delimiter2Len;
							todo = total - pos;

						// boundary aligned
						/*						if ((align == 0) && (todo >= boundaryLen))
													if (ByteArrayUtils.Compare(buffer, boundary, pos))
														// boundary located
														align = 1;
														todo -= boundaryLen;
														pos += boundaryLen;
														align = 2;

						// search for image
						if (align == 1)
							start = ByteArrayUtils.Find(buffer, delimiter, pos, todo);
							if (start != -1)
								// found delimiter
								start	+= delimiterLen;
								pos		= start;
								todo	= total - pos;
								align	= 2;
								// delimiter not found
								todo	= delimiterLen - 1;
								pos		= total - todo;

						// search for image end
						while ((align == 2) && (todo >= boundaryLen))
							stop = ByteArrayUtils.Find(buffer, boundary, pos, todo);
							if (stop != -1)
								pos		= stop;
								todo	= total - pos;

								// increment frames counter
								framesReceived ++;

								// image at stop
								if (NewFrame != null)
									Bitmap	bmp = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream(buffer, start, stop - start));
									// notify client
									NewFrame(this, new CameraEventArgs(bmp));
									// release the image
									bmp = null;
//								System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("found image end, size = " + (stop - start));

								// shift array
								pos		= stop + boundaryLen;
								todo	= total - pos;
								Array.Copy(buffer, pos, buffer, 0, todo);

								total	= todo;
								pos		= 0;
								align	= 1;
								// delimiter not found
								todo	= boundaryLen - 1;
								pos		= total - todo;
				catch (WebException ex)
					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("=============: " + ex.Message);
					// wait for a while before the next try
				catch (ApplicationException ex)
					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("=============: " + ex.Message);
					// wait for a while before the next try
				catch (Exception ex)
					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("=============: " + ex.Message);
					// abort request
					if (req != null)
						req = null;
					// close response stream
					if (stream != null)
						stream = null;
					// close response
					if (resp != null)
						resp = null;

				// need to stop ?
				if (stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true))

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