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Browsing javaCamViewer/Camera.cs (4.44 KB)

namespace javaCamViewer
	using System;
	using System.Drawing;
	using System.Threading;
	using VideoSource;

	/// <summary>
	/// Camera class
	/// </summary>
	public class Camera
		private IVideoSource	videoSource = null;
		private IMotionDetector	motionDetector = null;
		private Bitmap			lastFrame = null;

        private bool drawTimestamp = false;
        private String timestampFormat = "ddd MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss";

		// image width and height
		private int		width = -1, height = -1;

		// alarm level
		private double	alarmLevel = 0.005;

		public event EventHandler	NewFrame;
		public event EventHandler	Alarm;

		// LastFrame property
		public Bitmap LastFrame
			get { return lastFrame; }
		// Width property
		public int Width
			get { return width; }
		// Height property
		public int Height
			get { return height; }
		// FramesReceived property
		public int FramesReceived
			get { return ( videoSource == null ) ? 0 : videoSource.FramesReceived; }
		// BytesReceived property
		public int BytesReceived
			get { return ( videoSource == null ) ? 0 : videoSource.BytesReceived; }
		// Running property
		public bool Running
			get { return ( videoSource == null ) ? false : videoSource.Running; }
		// MotionDetector property
		public IMotionDetector MotionDetector
			get { return motionDetector; }
			set { motionDetector = value; }

        public bool DrawTimestamp
            get { return drawTimestamp; }
            set { drawTimestamp = value; }

        public String TimestampFormat
            get { return timestampFormat; }
            set { timestampFormat = value; }

		// Constructor
		public Camera( IVideoSource source ) : this( source, null )
		{ }
		public Camera( IVideoSource source, IMotionDetector detector )
			this.videoSource = source;
			this.motionDetector = detector;
			videoSource.NewFrame += new CameraEventHandler( video_NewFrame );

		// Start video source
		public void Start( )
			if ( videoSource != null )
				videoSource.Start( );

		// Siganl video source to stop
		public void SignalToStop( )
			if ( videoSource != null )
				videoSource.SignalToStop( );

		// Wait video source for stop
		public void WaitForStop( )
			// lock
			Monitor.Enter( this );

			if ( videoSource != null )
				videoSource.WaitForStop( );
			// unlock
			Monitor.Exit( this );

		// Abort camera
		public void Stop( )
			// lock
			Monitor.Enter( this );

			if ( videoSource != null )
				videoSource.Stop( );
			// unlock
			Monitor.Exit( this );

		// Lock it
		public void Lock( )
			Monitor.Enter( this );

		// Unlock it
		public void Unlock( )
			Monitor.Exit( this );

		// On new frame
		private void video_NewFrame( object sender, CameraEventArgs e )
				// lock
				Monitor.Enter( this );

				// dispose old frame
				if ( lastFrame != null )
					lastFrame.Dispose( );

				lastFrame = (Bitmap) e.Bitmap.Clone( );

				// apply motion detector
				if ( motionDetector != null )
					motionDetector.ProcessFrame( ref lastFrame );

					// check motion level
					if (
                        ( motionDetector.MotionLevelCalculation &&
                        motionDetector.MotionLevel >= alarmLevel ) &&
						( Alarm != null )
						Alarm( this, new EventArgs( ) );

                // apply timestamp
                if (drawTimestamp)
                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(lastFrame);

                    // Create font and brush
                    Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 18);
                    SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

                    g.DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToString(timestampFormat), drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(20, 440));



				// image dimension
				width = lastFrame.Width;
				height = lastFrame.Height;
			catch ( Exception )
				// unlock
				Monitor.Exit( this );

			// notify client
			if ( NewFrame != null )
				NewFrame( this, new EventArgs( ) );

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